Casino Cctv Video Transmission Methods

Posted By admin On 13/04/22

Specifying IP Video CCTV systems for casinos. Casino operators are among the most pro-active and demanding users of CCTV surveillance. IP Video systems are an ideal solution for this industry, but it's important to specify a well-designed system warns Oliver Vellacott, IndigoVision's CEO. A quality casino surveillance system is an essential business tool used to resolve gaming disputes, monitor public. Security cameras systems play a vital role within the gaming and casino industry. Whenever you have large sums of money in one location there is always the threat of criminal activity, it’s imperative that the facilities are properly monitored and recorded. Mainly transmission methods commonly used in CCTV & Surveillance System. When our customers installing CCTV & Surveillance System, they will prepare different design according to the different circumstances of their clients. A CCTV system links a camera to a video monitor using a direct transmission system. This differs from broadcast television where the signal is transmitted over the air and viewed with a television.

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Bandwidth-hungry surveillance video running over an existing structured cabling network can result in ongoing organizational contention.

Casino Cctv Video Transmission Methods Free

Bandwidth-hungry surveillance video running over an existing structured cabling network can result in ongoing organizational contention. Here's how to find a satisfying resolution for all concerned.

A new generation of IP (Internet Protocol) CCTV technology is appearing onLAN networks that allow several people to view security cameras through a simple click on a computer, or to access a camera that could be across the street or across the country. But as CCTV IP-based cameras—especially high-definition mega-pixel cameras—become more sophisticated, they also bring on new challenges to security and IT managers.

When selecting a camera, keep in mind picture quality, low-light operation, motion picture, reliability, and impact on network performance. Pictured here is one of JVC's newest outdoor, weather resistant, vandal-proof, IP66-rated IP surveillance cameras. It features a 36x optical zoom and direct-drive mechanism that provides fast and accurate PTZ, as well as an image stabilizer for clear visibility.
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One of the biggest advantages of an IP-based CCTV system is the ability to use the existing data and voice structured cabling network infrastructure rather than separate coaxial cable. Previous proprietary analog systems over coax were kept separate from the data and voice network with their own horizontal and backbone system.

For IT managers, however, one of the biggest disadvantages of these evolving IP-based CCTV systems is utilizing network bandwidth. Running bandwidth-intensive surveillance video over corporate data networks is a point of on-going organizational contention.

Depending on the potential impact on the network performance, one solution is running an IP-based CCTV system on a parallel network, yet sharing the same backbone.

Paralell possibilities

A parallel network built to manage only the video infrastructure can isolate high-bandwidth video capturing and archiving without stealing precious bandwidth from other mission-critical applications. But, as video networks are merged on the same backbone and, therefore, require the expertise of IT professionals, the main concern is controlling that bandwidth—both through the transmission and at the storage end.

Video traffic differs from data and voice in that it is continuous. When sharing a network for dataapplications, bandwidth is usually consumed only when the user is moving the mouse around for anything and everything, from simpleword documents to storing and sending large graphical files. For VoIP, bandwidth is consumed only while 'talking.'

For video, there are three main fluctuating factors that contribute to bandwidth hogging of an IP camera—frame rate, resolution and compression. Any one of these factors can be throttled back to reduce the network bandwidth. For example, if you reduce the frame rate, you can increase the resolution, and vice versa.

Frames per second (FPS) describes the number of full video frames displayed or recorded within one second. Since each type of business varies, it is important to determine what requirements are needed to sustain certain defined performance parameters, such as frame rate.

Selecting the right cable will affect your network capabilities. When selecting a copper twisted-pair Ethernet cable for CCTV, make sure you take into account bandwidth requirements, installation environment, and futureproofing.
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Hollywood movies, for example, are shown at 24 frames per second—a rate based on how fast the human eye can detect change in a smooth transition. While most CCTV camerasystems can easily capture 30 or more frames per second(30 FPS is considered real time), the amount of videotape ordigital storage would be enormous to record everymoment of every day. But some industries, such as casi-nos (e.g., sleight of hand), require this kind of capacity.

Thirty FPS, however, has no relationship with motion picture quality. Power line frequency (60 Hz) is still used to synchronize our home TV with the broadcast station.Interlaced video systems and power line frequency is theorigin of 30 FPS in NTSC TV systems (one field for everycycle). In Europe, where power line frequency is 50 Hz, the TV frame rate is 25.

The purpose of a CCTV system is not to make Oscar-winning films but to catch a criminal act. Recording rates as low as one or two frames per second will catch virtually any criminal act. But, on an average, five to seven frames per second is the norm.

Resolution classifications

Investing in a good CCTV security system requires knowing the importance of high-resolution cameras. Resolution is the measurement of the camera's ability to reproduce detail. The quality level of video images, based on digital values, is expressed by TV lines (TVL), or pixels. The higher the number of pixels, the higher the resolution, and the better the video quality. High resolution, however, translates into greater file size and higher bandwidth requirements.

So, when talking about picture quality, you need to find out the purpose of the CCTV system and what needs to be captured on the IP camera. Three types of classifications will determine the resolution needed:

  1. Observation (is there someone present in the room?);
  2. Recognition (can you recognize this person?);
  3. Identification (can you see features that would clearly identify this person over another?).

Just like the frame rate, each installed CCTV system will take into account what it is trying to capture and why.

If the resolution needs to increase due to the application, bandwidth can be compensated by reducing the frame rate. For example, an IP camera running at 30 FPS and capturing an average of 320 x 240 pixels can capture the image at a higher resolution of 640 x 480 pixels by lowering the frame rate to 7.5 FPS. These two scenarios will use the same amount of network bandwidth and can be stored in the same amount of storage (HDD) space.

JPEG, MPEG, oh my

Compression is the technique that reduces the quantity of digital data (or pixels) used to represent video images andarranges them into a more compact file size to transfer and to store on your hard drive. An uncompressed picture may have the highest image quality, but takes up a considerable amount of space on the storage devices. The truth is that the greater the compression, the more a picture can degrade, but the less bandwidth and data storage it utilizes.

The many different techniques of compression algorithms can be overwhelming, but basically, there are two mainstream types—JPEG and MPEG4. Lately, a few camera manufacturers have deployed the H.264 compression, and although this compression algorithm can produce a smaller file size, it is not quite ready for security applications.

JPEG takes the entire image, compresses it and then records it. MPEG4 uses temporal compression and compares image-to-image, and only records the changes in the images. If there are very little changes between subsequent frames, then very little storage space is consumed. For example, if a personwalks into a room, only the person will be recorded,as the background would automatically transition fromframe to frame. On the other hand, if recording a busy moving highway, changes occur with every frame that wouldrequire increased data transfer and storage.

To control the bandwidth for both video transfer andstorage, your choices are to reduce your picture size (or resolution), reduce the number of pictures recorded/views persecond (frame rate), or live with an over-compresseddegraded image.

Calculating the bandwidth

Let's take a look at how to calculate the bandwidth of a single frame and disk space needed for recording and storage. The first step is to find out the file size of a single image. For example, let's use a file that is 30 kilobytes (KB), which is also 30,000 bytes (B) per frame—the typical size of a VGA file at a medium JPEG compression. Note that transport bandwidth is stated in bits and disc storage is represented in bytes. The two are not interchangeable, as one Byte (B) is equal to eight bits (b).

To convert the 30 KB file to bits, multiplying by a factor of eight will total 240 kilobits (Kb) (or 240,000 bits) of network bandwidth per frame. If using a maximum frame rate of30 FPS, multiply that one frame by 30, and the product is7,200 kilobits, or 7.2 megabits (Mb). This is how muchbandwidth is necessary to send that one second of video.

For calculating data storage bandwidth, the image bandwidth of 7.2 Mb needs to be converted back to bytes and will, therefore, be divided by a factor of eight (bits to Bytes) to equal 0.9 MB.

To determine how this translates into the amount of storage per hour required, the figure needs to be multiplied by 3,600 (seconds in an hour). When multiplying 0.9 MB by3,600, the total is 3,240 MB per hour needed for storage ofthat file. Multiply that by 24 (hours in a day) and that oneframe will take up 77,760 MB of storage per day.

This is only one frame and one camera! You can imagine how this will add up with multiple cameras and why IT managers are concerned about the network.

Online tools are available to help you figure out how to use mitigation techniques, such as reducing the frame rate, resolution, and selecting a lower compression rate. You can download one such tool, a bandwidth calculator—'IPCamera Calc. JPEG.xls'—from the JVC Professional Products, Security FTP site ( This tool lets you select the filetype, compression, and frame rate, providing the amount of bandwidth needed in days, months, and years for bothtransmission and disk space utilization.

Assuring reliability

When working with customers on specifying IP systems, it is important to determine security equipment requirements along with the network required to sustain video-defined performance parameters. For example, the type of camera you choose will be the basis for determining the needed bandwidth and data storage. And the type of camera you select will affect the type of structured cabling to be specified. If you select a mega-pixel camera environment, make sure you are installing a big enough 'pipe' for the bandwidth to travel down.

Whether you need to simply observe an event or need to identify and analyze, the type of camera you select will make all the difference. Keep in mind, what the end user sees is the picture provided by the camera. Select a camera from areputable manufacturer that can provide you with the mostfeatures for your application, along with an excellentwarranty.

When shopping for IP cameras, make sure to compare picture quality, low-light operation, motion picture, reliability, impact on network performance and warranty. Be aware of incomplete specifications!

Cable selection and bandwidth go hand-in-hand. Considerations when selecting the cable media include number of cameras, type of camera, location of the cameras (environment), distance to the telecom rooms, type of termination equipment, and whether power will be running through the cable (UTP).

A Category 5e cable may be sufficient with its allowable1 Gbit/sec data rate (depending on the protocol). But Category 6 operates at a higher data rate (up to 10 Gbits/sec), and because of its improved transmission performance and superior immunity from external noise, systems operating over Category 6 cabling will have fewer errors versus Category 5e for current applications. This means fewer re-transmissions of lost or corrupted data packets under certain conditions, which translates into higher reliability for Category 6 networks.Also, when inducing noise or heat (such as in Power over Ethernet), Category 6 has been proven to operate with a lower rate of dropped packets (or frames).

Bringing it all into focus

IP cameras offer new and expanded features in CCTV surveillance, such as analytic capabilities and notification alerts not previously possible with analog systems. But this technology can suffer from insufficient performance and scalability because of poor system architecture and poor product selection.

To realize the full benefits of IP video surveillance, it's important to design and build a system that is capable of per-forming to current and future requirements, which includes allocating sufficient bandwidth to video-carrying traffic so that it will not congest the network. IT managers and security integrators need to learn to intelligently select and manage all resources.

CAROL EVERETT OLIVER, RCDD, is marketing analyst for Berk-Tek (www.berk-tek), and has been involved in driving the NetClear ESS security initiative, which focuses on use of a structured cabling system for analog, hybrid and IP CCTV scenarios. ADRIAN PARVULESCU is engineering manager for JVC Professional Products Company and heads up engineering for the security division at JVC Corp. ( He holds various design patents, including the wireless voice message system and 360° video processing.

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CCTV system consists of many components and each is critical to the quality of the video picture that is reproduced. Many system designers specify very specific criteria for the hardware; however, when it comes to the transmission media, only general information is given.

Selecting the correct transmission media for CCTV is one of the most vital aspects of designing a quality system and yet it is the least understood topic in system design. You can have the highest quality hardware components in a system but if the video signal is not transmitted by the proper media, your whole system will suffer. Many of the common video problems with picture quality can be avoided by selecting the proper transmission media and following proper installation techniques and procedures.

CCTV Selection Guide


RGP59ARG59 Plenum CMP/FT6
RG59ERG59 Stranded CMH/FT1


RG6DRG6 Burial
RG6KRG6 Stranded CMG/FT4
RGP11ERG11 Plenum CMP/FT6

Coaxial Cable Types

CCTV video signals are commonly transmitted using coaxial cable. Coaxial cable is designed to transmit the complete video frequency range with minimum distortion or attenuation, making it an excellent choice for CCTV. However, choosing the incorrect coaxial cable can degrade the overall signal transmission and/or allow outside EMI/RFI interference to be introduced into the signal causing high noise levels. This in turn can result in poor picture quality.

There are various construction types for coaxial cable. Understanding the various parameters of coaxial cable and selecting the proper cable for a CCTV system will eliminate wasted time, money, and aggravation. A CCTV video signal is comprised of both low frequency components (horizontal and vertical sync pulse information), and high frequency components (video information). In order to transmit this full spectrum of frequencies with little distortion or attenuation, it is important to select the correct cable that meets the specifications for CCTV transmission.

The parameters to consider are mechanical characteristics such as the center conductor material, dielectric material, shield type and material, and jacket material. The electrical characteristics such as resistance, capacitance, impedance and attenuation are critical for proper transmission. The following explains each component:


Center Conductor

Center Conductor material made of bare cooper is recommended for optimum performance in CCTV signal transmission. Because a CCTV video signal is a baseband composite video with fairly low frequency components compared to a CATV video signal, the low D.C. resistance that copper provides will greatly improve the video signal transmission. if the cable is going to be used on a CCTV camera that will be in a fixed position, then a solid conductor is acceptable. However, if the cable will be used in a pan and tilt application, then you should choose a stranded conductor because a solid conductor construction will break with continuous flexing.

Casino Cctv Video Transmission Methods

Coaxial cable is also available with a copper-covered steel center conductor. The steel core of a copper covered steel center conductor provides extra cable strength, while its copper coating provides a path for RF signal. This construction technique is used due to the fact that the higher the frequency of an electronic signal transmission, the more the signal travels on the outer surface of a conductor. This phenomena is known as 'skin effect'.

A copper-covered steel center conductor has a much higher D.C. resistance than bare copper and greatly attenuates the lower frequency components of a CCTV video signal (refer to table). Although it may be less expensive than pure copper, it is not suitable for CCTV and is not recommended. Coaxial cable that utilizes a copper-covered steel center conductor is usually designed for, and more suitable for use in CATV and other RF applications because the skin effect transmission characteristic at higher frequencies.

The attenuation chart clearly shows the difference between copper and copper covered steel. Especially take note of the lower frequency range where the sync pulse information is transmitted.

Notice the big difference in attenuation between the two materials. If a cable is chosen with copper covered steel the sync pulse information will be attenuated causing distortion in the video signal. Another guide-line used in the selection of center conductor construction is the cable’s installation as to fixed or pan and tilt applications. If the cable is going to be used on a CCTV camera that will be in a fixed position, then a solid conductor is acceptable. However, if the cable will be used in a pan and tilt application, then you should choose a stranded conductor because a solid conductor construction will eventually break under the constant strain being placed on the cable at the same point.

Dielectric Material

Dielectric Material of a coax cable is also another key area that should be addressed. The dielectric material and its composition is critical as it sets up the electrical characteristics such as capacitance, velocity of propagation, impedance, and attenuation of the cable. These parameters will determine signal strength and transmission distance. It is recommended to choose a dielectric with excellent electrical properties such as polyethylene or FEP. Such material will give you lower capacitance and a higher velocity of propagation. This results in a cable with low-loss characteristics and reduced attenuation of the signal. To improve the electrical properties even further, a foamed or cellular composition of these materials is recommended (see chart).

Braided Shield

A braided shield is the proper type of shield for CCTV and has two key purposes. One is to provide a low D.C. resistance ground path and the second is to provide shielding of outside interference from distorting the video signal. The shielding should be constructed of bare copper to provide a low D.C.R. return path. It should have a 95% or better braid coverage in order to provide adequate shielding from outside electrical interference’s. Anything less is usually not acceptable for CCTV. To provide increased shielding in the RFI range, a construction with an aluminum foil is acceptable as long as a high percentage copper braid is used to provide the low D.C.R. return path.

A cable with a combination aluminum foil shield and low coverage aluminum braid (see diagram) commonly used for CATV is not acceptable! Because aluminum shields have a much higher D.C. resistance return path and the braided portion of these type of cables provide only a low percentage of coverage, they do not provide the type of shielding required for CCTV video transmission.


Jacket choice is mainly determined by the environment where the cable will be installed. The cable jacket provides two major functions. One is to provide protection from the elements a cable may be subjected to and the second is to provide solid termination. PVC is a good choice for most applications located inside a building. Plenum rated cables are required for use in ducts, plenums and other space used for environmental air without conduit as per NEC or CEC. Polyethylene is recommended for outdoor applications where the cable may be subjected to the elements and a high degree of moisture, sunlight, and abrasion resistance is required. Do not install indoor rated cable in aerial, direct burial or underground pipe. An indoor-rated cable is not designed for these harsh environments and the electrical and mechanical characteristics will degrade over a period of time and will need to be replaced. Always follow the applicable code for the proper cable type for your installation.

Coaxial Cable Parameters

Casino Cctv Video Transmission Methods List

Coaxial Cable Parameters vary depending on the type of cable construction. All coaxial cables have a characteristic impedance. The impedance of CCTV equipment is 75 ohms; therefore in order to have minimum losses, it is important to choose a cable with a matching impedance of 75 ohms. If a cable of another impedance (50 ohm or 93 ohm) is chosen, then you will experience signal loss and reflection resulting in short distance transmission and poor picture quality. Coaxial cables are also available in different RG types. RG stands for Radio Guide and is a term used when sending Radio Frequency (RF) signals down a coaxial cable. 75 ohm coaxial cable comes in several sizes with the most common types being RG59, RG6, and RG11. An RG59 cable is the most commonly used because it is smaller in diameter and easy to work with. The RG11 cable is the largest in diameter and harder to work with. The RG6 size is between the two. The difference between the RG types is not just size, but also the attenuation characteristics and therefore the transmission distance. Typically, the cable transmission limitations for CCTV will be as follows:

The RG59 has the highest attenuation of the three types and you can expect to get a distance of about 750 ft. (225m) - 1,000 ft. (305m)

The RG6 has lower attenuation characteristics than RG59 and you can expect distances of about 1,000 ft. (305m) - 1,500 ft. (457m)

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The RG11 type has the lowest attenuation characteristics and you can expect distances of up to 2,000 ft. (610m)

These distances are based on the fact that all cable parameters described earlier are adhered to. If you need to go beyond 2,000 ft.(610m) then you need to use amplifiers or use Fiber Optic cable as a method of transmission.


Installation Considerations

Indoor environments are the most common for coaxial cable installations. A few tips for installing coaxial cable are as follows:

Casino Cctv Video Transmission Methods

First and foremost, follow all NEC or CEC requirements when installing coaxial cables.

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Distribute the pulling tension evenly over the cable and do not exceed the minimum bend radius. Exceeding the maximum pulling tension or the minimum bend radius of a cable can cause permanent damage both mechanically and electrically to the cable.

When pulling cable through conduit, clean and de-burr the conduit completely and use proper lubricants in long runs. Outdoor installations require special installation techniques that will enable the cable to withstand harsh environments. When using cable in an aerial application, lash the cable to a steel messenger wire. This will help support the cable and reduce the stress on the cable during wind, snow and ice storms. When direct burying a cable, lay the cable without tension so it will not be stressed by when earth is packed around it. When burying in rocky soil, fill the trench with sand. Lay the cable and then place pressure-treated wood or metal plates over the cable. This will prevent damage to the cable from rocky soil settling. In climate areas, bury the cable below the frost line.

Termination Techniques

The solder method offers several advantages for connectorization. This type of connector can be used on solid or standard conductors. It allows for both solid mechanical and electrical connections. The disadvantage is that it takes more time to terminate than other methods and 'cold' solder joints can cause problems if the connector is not soldered to the cable properly.

The Crimp Method is probably the most popular method for terminating BNC connectors on coax cable. Like the solder method, it can be used on solid or stranded conductors and provides a good mechanical and electrical connection. This method is the most popular way to terminate because there is no need for soldering; therefore installation time is reduced. Some important points to remember when using the crimp method is to use the proper size connector for the size coax you are using. A tight fit on the cable is important When crimping the connector, use the proper tool! Don’t use pliers! Pliers are not designed to place the pressure of the crimp evenly around the connector. Pliers will only crush the cable and can degrade the electrical properties of the cable.

The twist-on method is the quickest way of terminating a coaxial cable; however, it does have some drawbacks. When terminating the cable with this type of connector, the center conductor is cut into by the center pin on the connector, thus to much twisting can cause damage to the center conductor. In pan and tilt installations the constant movement of the cable may work the connector loose and it is not recommended for this application. Because there is no mechanical or electrical crimp or solder connection, this connector is not as reliable as the other methods.


Designing a CCTV system takes quality components, engineering, and installation practices. Remember the coax cable specified for a CCTV system is a key component of the system and is critical to the proper operation of the system. Do not install anything less than cable specifications suitable for CCTV. By following the parameters covered in this technical paper, you should have much success with your CCTV cabling.