Casio Keyboard Out Of Tune

Posted By admin On 28/03/22

16 SepMonti (Singapore)

Posted at 18:27h in Cocktails, Collyer Quay, Fuck No, Gifs, High End, Italian, Pasta, Singapore2 Comments

To get the most out of the many features and functions of the keyboard, be sure to carefully read this manual and keep it on hand for future reference. Page 4: Safety Precautions 4. Consult with the dealer where you pur- chased the keyboard or with an autho- rized CASIO service provider. Do not disassemble or modify the instrument. Suddenly, from out of the blue, my M-Audio Axiom 25 keyboard is playing soft-synths out of tune and I'm at a loss. Years ago, I knew how to coarse-tune and fine-tune this keyboard but it now alludes me, so, does anyone here know how to tune it?  The MIDI messages for coarse and fine tunin.

No matter whether you would like to get a CASIO Standard Keyboard or are looking for multifunctional arranger workstations, CASIO illuminated display keyboards, or one of the CASIO high-grade keyboards - here you will find out everything about technology and the details that distinguish CASIO electronic keyboards. Temperament: If your keyboard has this feature, then you can adjust to different scales. If only some notes sound out of tune, while others sound in tune, then you might be using a different temperament than what the song requires. If you are unsure which temperament to use, then set to the default setting, or 'Equal Temperament'.

1- Pavilion, 82 Collyer Quay
Singapore 049327

+65 65350724

SGD80-90 per person, including one cocktail. I’d budget SGD60-70 per person for food.

Fuck naw to the straw?
Monti have not got their environmental jam on yet which means they’re still handing out plastic straws with all of their drinks. I guess they’re right on the river so maybe they can just feed them direct to the otters? FUCK NAW TO THE STRAW HOMIES.

The deal:
So, I’ve been to Monti before for a quite nice, lunch time meal. It’s situated right on the Singapore River, all floor to ceiling glass windows with the picture perfect fuck yeah postcard views of the Marina Bay Sands. We all have restaurants like this that you need to have in your back pocket to take out of towners, so they can check out a tourist appropriate vista. I’m always wary of restaurants with views because as I’ve said before, I firmly subscribe to the saying that “God doesn’t give with both hands”, just as you either get the looks or the brains, restaurants often get the food or the views. Rarely both.

Monti delivers on the night time looks and our hostess is chatty, attentive and leads us right away to our table. To frame this review, I have to mention the absolutely OTT and ridiculous first person perspective that Monti the Restaurant has on its website before we go any further:

From that day I became enamoured with this growing metropolis, and every chance I can, I will try to contribute, to create a place that would be a good meeting point, a place where one can use all of his five senses. We will have classic Italian food, attentive service, quality music, sexy drinks and a view to die for…

Casio Keyboard Out Of Tune

FUCK ME, WHO WRITES THIS?? Bad copy aside, it’s here we sit for a bit, order a cocktail and wonder why they’ve only given us ONE food menu. I can’t fucking stand it when restaurants give you any less than one menu per person. Like wtf dickheads, we’re all here to order food and give you money on a per person basis, so why would you only provide information to us in single copy so we can make these decisions?? After putting in more effort than I would have liked to get the attention of any member of the numerous Monti staff milling around the floor we are bestowed with the great privilege of having one menu per person.

My pre-dinner drink, the Monti Sour (SGD24++), is their take on an Amaretto Sour, billed as being cognac, Amaretto. fresh lemon juice. house infused simple syrup and egg white. The Monti website claims they “balance out the sweetness of the almond liqueur base by adding a touch of cognac to provide depth”, with the “light airiness of egg white and a splash of angostura bitters” meant to produce a “perfectly balanced and highly drinkable cocktail”. Yeah, A+ grades for talking your shit up, Signore Monte because the Monti Sour scores zero points on being sour and takes a running, high velocity jump into being a sickly sweet fuck no atrocity.

I grimace and make mouth movements which resemble a dog eating a toffee, trying to mentally digest how anyone could describe this as a sour when it’s the complete opposite to being a sour. I would tell someone about this, except the Monti waitstaff continue their busy movements to bring stuff to the kitchen or walk around the restaurant without actually stopping at any tables to see what their customers may want, eyes laser focussed on anything but their customers at the tables. I finally manage to almost trip over a senior looking waiter and he’s forced to stop and take our order. He’s really fucking weird about it, going through a rehearsed friendly patter but he decides that now is the time for him to start scanning other tables and reading the room, so he doesn’t make eye contact with us once during the whole process. Ok senior looking waiter dude, I guess there’s no time like the present to start doing your observational room work even if you haven’t prioritised this in the last thirty minutes I’ve been sitting in your section.

I try and forget this crime against all Sour cocktails and inattentive waiters by getting involved in the Monti fuck yeah onion and thyme bread, little flaky knots that are reminiscent of a croissant. Served warm and with nori butter, this delicious fuck yeah carb goes some way to calm me down. It’s definitely best life, carb life times and I make sure of this by ordering a second serve. Obviously, getting the attention of someone to ask for more bread involved a waving arm routine like I was about to drown in a rip tide of ineptitude, gasping for air and for anyone to save me.

For starters, we shared a burrata cheese (SGD48++). Fuck, I know what you guys are thinking – SGD48 for burrata but fair play, it’s a very decent serving size and could easily be shared for say four to six people. It’s surrounded by fuck yeah San Daniele ham, figs, San Marzano tomatoes, rocket and dressed with Coratina extra virgin olive oil. It’s very well done and the quality of each ingredient on the plate is clear, with the tomatoes and fig, all fuck yeah flavour and none of that sad insipid watery fruit times you often get in Singapore. But fuck, when the burrata is cut open it oozes out – beautiful, resplendent and fucking delicious. I’ll even make an exception for my staunch no fruit and meat rule cause dat burrata, ham and fig was just off the chain, fuck yeah, come here lover good times.

For my main, I got the Ossobucco Veal Shank Ravioli (SGD36++). I don’t often order ravioli when I’m out because we all know that fuck no feeling when you’re like “Oh hey ravioli, you sound pretty good” and then an enormous white plate shows up with an indent in the middle and there’s three tiny squares chilling out in the middle, looking super food for ants. The fuck yeah portion size gods smile upon me at Monti though and for once I’m not desperately scraping the bottom of my enormous plate to try and gain any sort of sustenance. Sauced with a cream of bone marrow, grana padano and lemon zest, this was definitely a rich dish but balanced by the lemon zest and the sharp grana padano cheese. It would have benefited from some pepper but lolz, as if any Monti waiter came to check on whether that’d be something I like. Instead they continued their constant ebb and flow around the restaurant, keeping busy with movement, eyes down cast or straight ahead, rather than executing any waitstaff duty like oh I dunno, waiting on people.

It’s at this point in the night, I hear a band start to warm up at a loud, booming volume. The disco strobe lights start to fire and throw blue and red stars around with tacky abandon, in an otherwise quite nice dining room. I think to myself that perhaps it’s just the sound check and they’ll adjust it down, so people can continue to enjoy their meals and pleasant conversation with their dining companions. But this appears to be not in Monti’s fine dining plans and it’s at this stage that the Havana Social Club band really rev up and start to blare out what they claim is the “ultimate cuban and latin party experience”. Instead I freeze like a rabbit in headlights who is about to be shot by some cruel hunter, unable to process what I’m hearing in what is allegedly a high end restaurant, but alas, death does not save me. Just what is this noise that’s assaulting my entire being, shaking me from the very core of my existence? Why is the female lead singer so loudly and confidently out of tune? The rhythm section is tight but alas, while they manage to play in time together, the keyboardist and singers pay no heed to this, just defiantly placing haphazard noise however they want, because who the fuck cares about cadence? The keyboard sets down a tinny tone, reminiscent of a toy keyboard and I’m so surprised at this keyboardist’s choice of tone that I even googled his rig to discover that his Yamaha CP4 stage piano has 433 factory sounds, synth, guitar, and percussion patches but yet, with all of that choice, he appeared to pick “shitty miniature Casio keyboard from my youth” as his chosen sound to ruin my dinner. The mixing is all over the place like a five year old making a cake for the first time, so not only is everything off beat and out of tune, it also sounds like the guitar is about the swallow the mic whole.

Perhaps it’s just me though and maybe everyone else is having a great time? I take a glance at the empty dance floor as it pulses red and blue, throwing a glow reminiscent of police lights, flickering across a crime scene that has a murdered corpse tucked away in a corner. I look at every table as they are unable to continue their dinner time conversation, drowned out by the dissonant cacophony being caused by the Havana Social Club and all they can do is emote with their eyes and crossed arms, sullen and downcast. The stony glares intensify. Tables shuffle awkwardly and attempt to get their bills to leave. I also flag down my bill so I can GTFO ASAP.

I take a break to go to the bathroom so I can check out this hot mess up close. I watch horrified, mouth agape as their female singer awkwardly shakes her hips and the other male singer enthusiastically wails into a microphone. The Monti bathroom is also filthy, sodden with liquid (hopefully water) and a broken toilet seat which isn’t becoming at all for a place that claims to be a “sleek and sexy multi-concept venue”. I return to my table and begin the battle once again to gain the attention of anyone at all to follow up on the fact that our bill is still as MIA as this band’s musicality, but instead we watch what I think is their restaurant manager dancing around in his waistcoat and bow tie, swivelling his hips and singing to himself as a torrential downpour of discordant and offbeat notes mercilessly shower down upon us.

After what must be at least 15 minutes, Mr Waistcoast shimmies up to us and asks if he can get us any dessert. No sir, just the bill. Of course he can’t fucking hear a word I’m saying because of the jingle jangle mess of the band. I repeat my request for the goddamn check as a part of myself begins to wither on the vine, as my body can only able to withstand so much of this aural assault. He shakes his head again. I draw squares with my fingers, wiggling a signature in what is surely the most universal of signals for “GIVE ME THE FUCKIN’ CHECK”, which has worked for me in countries which would be squarely classified as developing to emerging. He continues to sing along and click his fingers, having the time of his life. I want no part of this. I just want the bill. I want to go home and bathe in the soothing quiet. I glare pointedly but he doesn’t pick up a single part of my body language, sunny and blithely grooving along as he hands back my credit card.

Having secured payment, I flee Monti but I pause one last time to take one last look at this band. The singer takes the microphone in between songs and lets the whole room know “We’ll be here every Thursday night, so come back next week!”. I slip into the quiet Singapore night, taking solace in its black equatorial night and the gentle reflection of the city skyline against the river. I don’t look back. I can’t ever go back.

FUCK NO. Cause I’m not about subjecting myself to torturous aural scenarios which contravene most internationally established warfare conventions and fuck me, while Monti may be about Modern Italian and Singapore vistas their service is most def on a Roman Holiday.

This is the high-score music from the C64 version of Commando. It has been recreated entirely on the Casio VL-TONE VL-1. All of the sounds are from the VL-1. The only 'cheating' that was done is I removed the 'beep' sounds from the drum track in post-processing so that you only hear the snare. Audacity was used to record and mix 4 separate tracks. I also used the VL-TONE's built-in synth to create a custom bass instrument and background music. The standard flute is used for the main melody.


Comment by Ilos



Where To Buy Casio Keyboards

Comment by Ilos

💯 🍇🍈🍉🍋🍋🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌😀BOOM🤗👅👅👅👄👅👅GOOD GOD ⚀ ⚁ ⚅ 🤔XxXX😡💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🍉A Ha Ha LOL 😁 🔟

Comment by IntrestedInCasioSA-79

Whistle sounds XD

Comment by IntrestedInCasioSA-79

That snare stands out SO much

Comment by Tera5

great man

Comment by MemmoMan

nice tune you have there bro

Comment by Louie Kyle Palting

so cool

Comment by TweakerRay

Awesome... I also own a Casio VL Tone... never thought that it could play that cool tune from commando... great work... you might enjoy this: ! Keep up the good work !!! Cheers TweakerRay

Comment by MLGDOGE80 MUSIC sorry no music made by me

it relley monophoinc but made it have more voices

Comment by Chicken Tendie


Comment by CoasterCraft Productions

Favorite Game and Favorite Music

Comment by Riccardo Faidutti


Comment by GolfVro

I like it

Comment by GolfVro


Comment by nobel11

Nicely done!

Comment by Piotr Zalewski

Target Casio Keyboard

m8 good song

Comment by Notarget1337

Sounds more like original, but not so bright. Still very nice!

Comment by Robloxs Xtremeguy

Nice, but it sounds a little bit weird compared to the other one.

Comment by Daniel (dbart)

Casio Keyboard Out Of Tune

very cool

Comment by Jonny Music

Very nice attempt at a different key (signature) (unless the keys are out of tune. Nevertheless it still sounds great). :)

Comment by Robyn

very nice :3

Comment by PSS-270

Wow, now THAT must have been hard to do! GOOD ONE!